Piercing FAQ

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What is a ‘downsize’? Should I have one?

With any fresh piercing we install jewellery that’s slightly longer than your anatomy. This extra length allows for swelling, ensuring the jewellery doesn’t embed in the skin after you are pierced. After 4-8 weeks of healing, you may find yourself catching the piercing much more than in previous weeks, this means the jewellery is now too long for your piercing, so you need to downsize the bar so it sits flush against the skin again. You may need to do this more than once during the healing process.

Downsizing is important! It ensures that the piercing heals straight. Over time, catching or sleeping on long jewellery may cause the jewellery to migrate, resulting in a wonky piercing.

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Do I need to arrange a check-up?

Yes, we are always happy to see you!

We recommend returning to the studio for a check up around 4 weeks. If the swelling has subsided and your jewellery looks too long, we can downsize the jewellery.

You will need to book an appointment for this.

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Can you help with a piercing that has gone wrong?

If you have a piercing that is being troublesome or you are unhappy with it, whether done but us or someone else, we are alway happy to help advise as best we can. Book in for a consultation and we can go through all your options.

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How do I care for my piercing?

Aftercare instructions will be provided in writing at your piercing appointment. You can also have a look at our aftercare page.

Healing times will vary depending on the piercing, your lifestyle, and your general health. We recommend cleaning your piercing twice a day with saline solution for the first 2 months, then once a day until fully healed. Try not to sleep on your piercing.

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Do you do custom orders?

Yes we do! Come in and have a chat with us.